Saturday 24 November 2012

I've set this site up to document as well as comment on the various Oatcakes that are available throughout North Staffordshire. Each Oatcake is individual and each shop has their own recipe producing Oatcakes of various thickness, taste and circumference.
      Within this blog i'm going to attempt to sample every Oatcake available from every shop and mark each one on-

1. Taste
2. Appearance
3. Floppiness
4. Thickness
5. Diameter
I'll be giving each Oatcake a score out of 10

10 being exquisite for taste and 0 being disgusting.
10 being good looking in appearance and 0 being a face only a mother could love.
10 being ultra floppy and 0 being as stiff as a board.
10 being as thick as two short planks and 0 being a thin as a supermodel.
For the diameter i'll be measuring the Oatcake at it widest point to give an idea of the scale of each one.

For the sake of this experiment, and for a constant, i'll be performing a simple grill with mature cheddar and a half fold. This way i'll be able to gather a good understanding of the overall performance of each Oatcake.

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